In the past 12 weeks, we've followed our bean child Ziggy the Zygote grow up to become Fethi the Fetus. How wondrous it is that a few cells can evolve so quickly into a baby in front of our eyes.
Going into the second trimester, it is even more amazing to find out that Fethi the Fetus has all 20 teeth already developed, the brain is not quite the size it will be upon birth but still fully formed, intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to the abdomen, and Fethi is practicing bowel movements, even the pancreas is secreting insulin.
The changes on Aylin's body are as exciting. Her body is very busy trying to accommodate Fethi the Fetus’ needs. As a result she had been feeling tired and sleepy which is very normal for the first trimester. Entering the second trimester, her lethargy should diminish as her placenta takes over hormone generation. Which is good because now that her clothes are no longer starting to fit her, she is going to need that extra energy for shopping for a new wardrobe.
About shopping, says:
"The good news is some fashion designers are realizing that being pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t look sharp, sexy, sporty, or whatever your particular style might be".
I've never seen Aylin not look sharp, sexy, sporty, or whatever her particular style do jour may be. She's got elan. Warning, here comes the grin, I even think she is more beautiful and sexy being pregnant. Heheee.
The same web site also states that this is no time to give up comfort and suffer for the sake of fashion. Good thing Aylin's got that fashion taste and sense because I would've settled for a mu'umu'u (more often spelled as muumuu or mumu, is a loose dress of Hawaiian origin that hangs from the shoulder; see Homer fig.). After all, what the mu’umu’u lacks in style, it makes up in functionality, comfort, strength, and longevity and Aylin would still look wonderful in it, at least in my eyes.......:)